Wednesday, July 27, 2016

July meeting, one of our own AWS member, Vincent Turula did a wonderful and informative presentation on French-American Hybrid wines.    He explained why French cépage hybridized to develop new varieties using wild American species as we will sample several popular white and red varietals of our North American nurture.

Wines Presented on this evening:
-  Leonard Oakes Traminette (2012)
-  Hunt Country Cayuga White (2014)
- Villa Bellangelo Bella Seyval Blanc (2013)
- Three Brothers Stony Lonesome Estates Chambourcin (2013)
-  Johnson Estate Marechal Foch (2014)
- Thousand Island Frontenac (2014)
- Bully Hill St Croix Special Reserve (2012) # 1 
- The Tower Series Norton, Horton Vineyards, Virginia  (2013)  #2

Sparkling wine from Swedish Hill wines - Blanc the Blanc was also a group favorite. 

News and Updates:    

·         No Meeting next month for August.   Next meet will take place on Thursday night, September 22, it will feature Pinot Noir from Willamette Oregon.
·         John and Felicia’s BBQ party is Saturday August 13th .   Please RSVP if attending!   It’s a big yard so if you could bring a couple of folding or lawn chairs… please do. 
·         AWS bottling is next week on Friday July 29th @ 6 PM.
a.       Only a few folks replied with ideas and I made their labels. 
b.      For individuals with one or two cases we will have a basic label available for each barrel. 
c.       If you still like to have custom label, you can purchase from Make Wine With US.   
d.      Please let me know if you prefer to leave Labels off.
e.    If you’re not able to make it, and we can place one of the generic labels created. We will use the group labels and caps for those who are not able to make it. 

·      Please remember to RSVP if you’re able to able to make the meeting.  That helps us gage how much wine and snacks are needed for the events.   Cheers!

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