Epic Tasting event...
This was a ton of fun and we like to thank Stephen and Gloria Reustle for coming out all the way from Pacific West coast of Oregon for their presentation. Where the got a great treat of fabulous wines of Old World vs New World wines... and the over all group selections were Reustle-Prayer Rock wines.
The Line up!
+ Congratulations to all of the door prize winners!
Web page: Reustle Prayer Rock Vineyards - Roseburg, OR (reustlevineyards.com) | Reustle-Prayer Rock Vineyards - Umpqua, OR
Reustle-Prayer Rock wines will also be featured guests at the American Wine Society National Conference in November at Atlantic City.
AWS Meadowlands like to give BIG thanks to North Jerseys award wining winery: "Make Wine With Us" for their hospitality. Come in and learn, experience and make great wines! Wallington, New Jersey | https://makewinewithus.com/